there r times in d day,when i will think then i will say our friendship is lost n gone..& has fallen like one 2 look to when im feeling blue..why u wonder..?well dats a question 2 pounder…have u really left me..? is our friendship not meant 2 be..?are u not being true?or doing things u r not suppose 2 do…?i notice dat we hardly talk…feelings r left unsaid..& d hatred begins 2 spread…
is it true dat our friendship is fading away..?please if yes, can we make up today?coz u r my friend n i really care about d time we used 2 share..but now dis time is gone n has fallen like dawn.
i wish we could be close again…or at least try..cause 4 d time we have lost, ive had time 2 cry…coz our friendship was honest n true..4 d time we’ve spent apart,have coz me 2 have a broken heart..time apart from u has made me see how important our friendship is 2 me…
i don’t know about u but im sure about me..i miss d way our friendship used 2 be…so is it true? are u my friend?or is d friendship dat i loved…come to an end?????
i’ll always b here when u hurt..i know u know i’ll stay..But im not sure u’d miss me..if i ever went away..
But dont worry i’ll b fine.. im not d one who left all my frens behind…
one final in dis part..i just want u 2 know dat i love you..With ever piece of my heart.. there’ll never b someone like u and i hope u feel the same way too..Thank you so much 4 all u have done 4 me..
morning...awl pg dh masuk blog..tandanya keadaan aku teramat kritikal n sgt2 memerlukan sesorg utk meluahkn beban d blog aku nih..dia lah tpaksa mjadi mangsa..tq my dear blog :(
huhu...nape aku rs sakit sgt?? nape suma ni msti blaku kt aku?? Ya Allah, adakah hambaMu ini semakin lalai dan melupakn kewajipan? kenapa aku d uji sebegini??
kenapa xda sapa fhm keadaan aku n trus mbebankan aku dgn pelbagai mslh??
susah kan hdup ni..kita je kena jaga ati org blm tentu jaga ati kta..bknlah nk mtak least..respect others feeling..
seriously, aku pnat dh nk bkorban utk mbahagiakan org lain..aku pnat nk bkorban utk buat org laen hepi..
tho im smiling...but but deep inside, im crying...
bsar sgt kah dosa ku slama ni smpi ini balasan yg aku dpt??
mungkin slama ni aku xsdar yg aku dh tersakitkan ati org laen..or dh tlukakan ati org laen..dh menyinggung prsn org laen...
kalo itulah sbbnya nape ati aku d sakiti slama ni..kalo itulah sbbnya sesetgah org xnak jaga ati aku...
oleh itu......
aku SHAIRINA BINTI SEREBU dgn rendah diri dan sepenuh ati memohon maaf kepada semua kawan2 n spa2 yg knal aku...
When he's away
I began to fade
I feel me dying
I start crying
I can feel my heart
falling apart
I try to put the pieces back together
But it wont stay like that forever
It starts to get dark
Is this a broken heart
fuh...finally...arini...kol 1.45 pagi..aku mpunyai kesempatan utk meluahkan apa2 yg nk d pendam slama ni..ececeh...heeh
mesti slama ni korg tertanya2 mana lah mhilangkan dr kan..slama 2.5 months aku membawa diri...mbawa dr ke mana??hehe..aku mbawa dr ke penview..bkn mbawa dr sbb tluka ke mbawa drke arah perubahan..better than b4..
ok...aku stat ms nk regist..ingat lagi time 2 jam 2.20 ptg 7march 2010 aku smpi d penview dgn selamatnya..tanx kt ayah aku sbb anta aku..(sayu plak tetiba)
masa smpi2 je dpn otel tu..dr jauh aku terperasan yg ada dua org jejaka tgah blenggang menuju ke arah pintu masuk otel..haaaa..patutla mcm ensem kazen band andy n ritchie rupanya..heheh...bkn main lg dorg ni blenggang..hihihi...aku pn try la msg bang andy..hehe..cpt je die ayah aku anta kt dpn jer..pas salam ngan ayah aku (yelah..msti mtak restu kan..nk g menuntut ilmu katakan..hee) aku dgn rs bangga nya mnyorong beg roda ku itu ke arahhall menghala ke arah b.andy n ritchie..(makin ensem la plak abg sedara aku nih...oppsss!)
aku n b.andy pn mulalah borak2 kosong..sdgkan aku series mmg xbrani nk pandang mata die...alahaila b.andy..byk btol rahsia aku dlm poket die...(ms tu zaman kegelapan lg...b,andy la yg jd kaunselor aku)..actually aku tgu mell..dia pn join bnda ni gak.hukhuk..mmg xsabar nk jpa mel ms tu..yelah..xsilap aku..last kami jpa pn raya thn lpas agaknya..lamatu..hehe
xlama pastu..mel pn smpi ngan parents die..ktorg masuk sama2..erm..dh ramai dh org kt dlm tu time tu...aku rs gemuruh pn ada..excited pn ada...xramai yg aku knal kt dlm tu..mel n ritchie jelah kot..then tania..itupun aku ternampak die dh last2 nk,aku dgn pantasnya tegurlah tania n ofer dia jd rumet aku n mel :)
so..kami pn ke receiptonist untuk regist bilik.. 321~~~~2.5months kami mnginap d sini~~~
so,dgn excited nya kami naik ke atas..eager nk tgok bilik cmne..hehe..yg pasti..aku cpt2 amik katil tgah..bkn apa..aku suka d aku akan d sygi kedua2 nya :) heee..
so,mgu pertama bmula dgn module achieving personal excellence wit hj ahmad shukri..mmg SUPERB la trainer ni..sgt la thibur dgn karenah dia d dpn..dia pandai attract kami utk trus mdgar..em..seronok..siap ada treasure hunt lagi..lari ke sana..lari ke sini..yg plg best..itula PERTAMA kalinya aku main dart (thanks ye penganjur) dan yg pastinya, aku dpt kawan2 baru..ada gak yg nampak sombong..aku senyum dia leh wat xnampak btol kot dia xnampak :P
mgu seterusnya..kami d pecahkan ke dalam kompeni masing..ktorg kena plak cr nama kompeni..mission visionsuma tu..standard la kan.... so..mula2 penubuhan..eceh..hehe..antara mereka yg berada dlm kompeni kami ialah -zayna,jane,sandra,fenny,dijah,chah,ida,mijie,liyana,zul,fiza,berry,sally,santi,fiza,surie...
then..5 org plak mncul tba~~david,fred,angel,umi,winny..d ikuti plak oleh que and kath..n last skali azis..
spjg 2.5months nih..merekalah yg jd teman susah n senang bsama2...(isshh..tetiba rs nk menitis plak airmata nih..hukhuk)
ye..susah nk d jelaskan betapa kuatnya persahabatan kami..ukhwaah kami slama ni..
bila bkse(bumi kenyalang stok exchange) kompeni lain menaik dan kami mdatar je slama bbrapa ari..ntah..xtau mana plak silapnya...
***ngantok sgt..tdo jap***
10.17am (bosan dh ngadap keja..skrg mbg balek eh)
Haa..pasal bkse..kami mmg rs pressure kalo turun ke dining hall n tgok bkse yg static cmtu..sdgkan kompeni2 laen semua nya mara ke langit..adehla…
Tp..yg aku suka kat onyxers nih, dorg x cpat melatah..dgn apa skalipun yg mhalang..series aku salute kt korg..ikhlas dr ati pujian nih…hehe
Ari demi ari..kami btungkus lumus..bgotong royong and yg sewaktunya utk bsaing dgn mereka yg lain..Kdg2 aku rs fedap sgt..give up apatah lagi..rscm tiap ari je give up xnak trusakan lg..
Yg pasti aku rs bsalah dgn onyxers..maybe suma ni blaku sbb aku xpandai nk lead n manage out team..sumtime aku rasa yg ada mereka yg lain lbih layak utk berada d tpt aku…tp mungkin ada hikmahnya suma ni kan..
Masa sgt pantas blalu..bila d ingat kembali..huhhh…mmg rs nk suruh uncle ibm proceed gems lama lg..bak kata Q wat smpi 2 thun..heee…
Kenangan pahit aku lam gems ni apa yek?? Cm xda yg manis..teramat la cm tiap ari adalah kenangan manis..mmg smpi saat ni masih segar lg d ingatan..
Tiap pagi..mmg aku slalu berebut2 ke opis..bkn apa..nk ensure yg suma nya teratur..bila d ingat balek..suma tu otomatik nye cm dak skula pn ada..kena tgok sapa nye turn tok cleanliness..tgok graffiti board n word wall update ikut time ke x..pastu..sapa2 yg dtg lewat..kompom kna sapa 20sen ngan aku..hehe..sory guys..iso procedure..hehe..erm..rindu nya suasana cmtu…
Awal pg msti kecoh la kt onyx..mana penah sunyi bilik tu.. tiap mlm pasti ada je memekak tpekik tlolong d opis..sian uncle ibm n secretariats at d next wat to do..suma org sebok nk bsuara..dh xda dh istilah pendiam..hehe
Skrg nih..aku rindukan sgt2 saat kami bsama..susah..senang..tensen..kurang tdo..skip meal..sakit..gembira..suma 2 kami kongsi bsama..adohhh…sedih nya la bila d kenang kembali…ishh..emosi la plak.. ;p
Antara kenangan yg aku xleh lupa----teambuilding…fuhhhhh…smpi2 je..ada briefing jap then morning break ngan nasi ayam..then trus g jungle trekking…huiiiihhh…gile la…series aku mmg mgadai nyawa la sbb g jungle trekking sdgkan aku tau yg aku xleh wat xtvt lasak ni..hampir 3jam gak la ktorg lam utan tu…smpikan aku balek kaki ayam je..sbb tapak kasut dh tcabut..hahah!!
Beberapa jam pastu jungle trekking…haaaa..itu diaaa…kesakitan tulang bahu ku dh myerang…hahaha…padan ngan muka aku kan..sapa suruh g jgak wpun tau dri im proud of myself..sakit..tseksa skalipun spjg lam utan tu tp aku bjaya habiskan jungle trekking 2 dgn jayanya~~~~ Q pn sama~~~
Masa teambuilding nil ah aku dpt tgok sapa kawan n sapa lawan~~ thanks pd `kawan2’ sejati aku ms teambuilding aritu..tharu dgn perhatian korg selama aku sakit d east valley tuh..
Hukhuk…slps teambuilding…mmg ukhwah 2 semakin teguh..mmg rs mcm care sgt2 kt suma org..
Ishhh…rs meleleh lak airmata nih..adoilaaa…memori berasak2 ke kepala L rindunyaaa…. L
Slps tembuilding ni jgak la aku terperasaan yg putik2 chenta mula berputik d kalangan gems nih..hehe..yelah..mula2..jeling..pastu…apa lagi…wat2 fhm je lah kan..hehe
Apapun..aku gembira melihat kawan2 ku bahagia dgn dgn pasangan pilihan mereka..ku bdoa agar hbgn korg kekal bsama slamnya..smpi aher hayat :)
Onyx la onyx..nama yg unik..seunik org2 yg mhuni nya..hehe..semuanya ada pelbagai ragam n karakter..bila d ingat..mmg akan gelak sndr..*skrg pn tgah gelak2 ngadap lappy nih*
Haa…..baru je kena tegur ngan org dpn sbb gelak sorg2…sebok la si fakhri nih..heheh
Ok..come back 2 our bisnes..hehe..apapun..smpi bila2 pn aku xkan lupakan semua kenangan d gem..memori terindah d gems..d ari teraher.menangis kegembiraan n kesedihan kerana akan bpisah dgn mereka2 yg aku saying ~~~ phewww…
ONYX nye BOBO pn aku dh serahkan jd anak angkat uncle IBM~~ uncle IBM,jaga BOBO kami bebaik yer.. :)
Bah..nnt aku smbg lg ya…sumtime..kenangan indah n memori yg manis susah nk d gambarkan dgn kata2..hanya hati kita yg memahami perasaan tu..
Utk suma mrka2 yg aku syg..Nice 2 meet u all..hope our short but yet memorable meeting will remain in our heart forever..utk uncle IBM..kak PIJAH..kak MARR..encek SAZLIE..trainers..tq 4 utk segalailmu..bimbingan, support n tunjuk xkan lupa suma tu..kenangan terindah bsama kalian xkan d lupakan...uhukkksssss sedihhhh :)
special for all my love out there..i love u all..enuf said!
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You've been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
People always take me 4 granted,
they will never know d truth.
They will never know how bad i feel,
or how sick i am inside.
I am so lonely,
they have no clue.
They stand around n do nothing,
cant they see how bad I'm hurt?
I guess i can fool everyone,
but not myself.
People see wat they want 2 see,
and usually it isn't wat i need.
I need some one 2 listen,
2 hear my cries of pain.
I need them 2 b around,
since u seem 2 b away.
Please..will some one listen,
i need u here with me.
You were d 1 who broke me,
now just face what u have done.
u've hurt me bad,
so please fix it.
Now Ive got 2 go & i hope someone knows,
the pain inside is unbearable.
Teach me 2 stop caring
When I think of wat we were
Teach me 2 stop crying
When I c u there wit her
Show me how 2 live again
When u're not here wit me
Show me how 2 fight the fact
That we're not meant 2 be
Tell me dat i'll b alright
And my life will b okay
Witout u right here by my side
2 hold my hand each day
Let these teardrops wash away
Dont let diz heartbreak last...
Teardrops falling down my cheeks
i cry silently 2 myself
over d guy who doesnt luv me
i just wanna fast forward
until im no longer crying
until d teardrops are no longer falling
until im happy once again
but there is no fast forward
i can only try 2 move on...
p/s: I am so sick of thinking of looking forward to walk in d dats no one will see my tears :((